My brain is so full of useless nonsense that some thoughts, by necessity, leak out. Like a cup of hot cocoa that I keep trying to add marshmallows to, and they just continue to spill over the sides of the mug. All the while, the first marshmallows I put in are melting into a gooey goo. My wife jokes that I'm too full of useless 80's sitcom theme songs that I can't retain newer, more pertinent information that will guide me through life in 2020. She may have a point.
I have moments when I have a thought. A good thought. One that is profound or exciting enough to actually motivate me enough to move my feet. I then find myself going to another room to... something. What did I come here for? I look around. Nothing strikes me. I even open a cupboard door or two. Nope. Nothing. It's gone. Whatever thought that led me to this room is no longer in my brain.
It leaked out.
It's ok. It happens. Don't panic. I just need to retrace my steps. I return to the previous room, where BAM! There it is! The runaway thought. I left it here in this room. I needed it in that other room, where I could put it to good use. And for some reason, I left it here. Where it does nobody any good.
Which leads me to another line of thinking...
What if... are you ready to follow me with this? What if... I drop a thought somewhere, leave it behind, move on to somewhere else? There I am, scratching my head in another room, looking quite stupid. And someone else enters the room I left the thought in? What if they pick it up?! Can I hope that they will then rescue me? Would it be possible for them to take my thought, pick it up, process it, and decide to take action? The very action I began to take?! Could this happen? Could someone pick up a stray thought, and return it to the original source?
I think this would make for a worthwhile experiment. The next time I find myself standing somewhere with a dumb look on my face, wondering what insanity led me to that point in my life, staring at an open closet door without an inkling of purpose... I will reach out to someone. I will tell them that I dropped a thought, and would they kindly go get it for me? They may look at me like I've lost my mind, whereupon I will explain that it is only a very small fraction that I have lost, but yes, I have lost some of it. And would they please find it for me?
This happens frequently enough that I'm confident it won't take long for an opportunity to test this theory. I'm sure it can be done. Thoughts are tangible. How else do mind readers do their thing?
I can't guarantee that I will post results, though. This thought might indeed also leak out. The moment I publish this bloggy, it could be gone. Just like that. Then you'll have to pick it up. If you find this thought, please do just that. Pick it up. Bring it back to me. Then we will all know the truth. That thoughts are sometimes no more than that tiny slip of paper that falls out of your pocket when you pull out your keys. And they can be returned to their owners.
It's up to you now. No pressure.