Sometimes, you can't just wait for inspiration to hit you.
I don't give myself as much time to write as I'd truly like to have. I mean, honestly, I'd kill for a full time paying career in writing. But, unfortunately, until I figure out how to get paid for my written word, an actual day-job is still necessary. Day-jobs, though... they take up so much time! Precious time that I'd rather be spending finishing up my novel. That I could sell. For money. So that I could spend more time writing!
So, I need to grab what miniscule free time I can and make do with that. Usually, that means writing in bed after Trish falls asleep. Or on a rare day off, if there's any time left from whatever appointments I've taken the day off for.
Oftentimes, I'll grab those few minutes here and there and stare at the screen with the blinking cursor. Wondering what I want to write about. Will it be words for the novel or the blog? Banished Gods, or Whatever This Is?
Either way, I need to find some inspiration. Some spark in the ole synapses. But it doesn't always come. You've probably experienced my lack of inspiration a time or two. You've read my blog. You're reading it right now. (I love that I can say that to you with absolute confidence, by the way. It is one hundred percent guaranteed that if you're reading this blog, then you are, indeed, reading it right now. I just find that delightfully fascinating!)
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I was contemplating inspiration. Or lack, thereof. Sometimes, I just don't have enough time to wait around for inspiration to hit me. I just need to start writing. Write whatever. Just start blabbering on about something stupid. Sometimes, the stupid stuff turns out to be the hidden gem stuff (after cleaning it up a fair amount). Sometimes, just taking words from my brain and transforming them into text on a screen turns out to be the inspiration I was waiting for all along. Funny how it works out sometimes. Sort of a "fake it till ya make it" thing happening.
Though, there's a distinct possibility that this isn't for you. It's quite possible that what I think is a hidden gem, you may think is actually a smelly turd. However, I don't think it's likely. If you are still reading this far into a blog post that you aren't enjoying even a little, you may want to rethink how you are spending your precious time.
So, to wrap it up neatly, sometimes you can't just wait for inspiration to hit you. Sometimes you start writing anyway. Sometimes it all works out in the end. If you're still reading this, then it's worked out this time, I suppose, hasn't it?
On a completely different note of inspiration...
Ever wonder if my eyeballs are disguised as the two "e" letters in the word, eyeballs? And they are watching you right now? Watching you read and enjoy the words in this blog? Especially the words containing my camouflaged eyeballs? (Still watching you.) No? You've never wondered that until now? Huh. Well, you should have been. Because they've been watching. Oh yes. Watching, and learning which words you like the best (words, such as "eyeballs").