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Writer's pictureJamie Blaise

Celebrating a Moment of Genius

I'm writing my novel as I lie in bed tonight. And this may be an overly nerdy thing to share, but... a sentence I just wrote gave me pause. I had to read it back a few times. It's just so... I don't even know. Lyrical? It has a rhythm. It doesn't rhyme, exactly, but it feels like it rhymes.

She wanted to see what there was to see from the top of the tallest tree on Shan.

No, it rhymes. It totally rhymes.

Beep beep. Tooting my horn.

And I get that most of you probably don't understand why I am bothering to write about this. Truth is, I don't really know why either. Maybe I just got a little excited. There are moments, sometimes, when I write something that catches me off guard. I read it back and think, hey, this could have been written by an actual author! That one line I just shared with you did that. It spoke to me. It reminded me that not only do I enjoy writing, but I'm also pretty good at it sometimes. Once in a while, I'll exhibit a flash of genius (beep beep). And I'll bask in the glory of feeling good about a thing I created with my brain. Not to get somber, but that's kind of a rare emotion for me. But tonight, I did a thing. And I liked it, and I recognized it, and I acknowledged it, and I reveled in it. I guess I'm celebrating a win, in a way.

And why not? I've honestly had a pretty shitty night otherwise. For no reason, even. Nothing is wrong, I've just felt... off. Easily bothered. Frustrated with any little thing. Uncomfortable in my own skin.

But then I wrote that line. That beautiful, singing line. And right now I'm happy. The rest of my grumpy evening can screw off. I made myself proud with my favorite creative hobby. And that's something to celebrate. Publicly I guess, as it turns out. *shrug*

And if you read that sentence and thought to yourself, Ok, yeah. So what? What's the big deal? I get it. I'm a very special kind of nerd. Not everyone gets everyone's deal. But I hope you can appreciate my moment of happiness with my creativity. That, we can hopefully all share. I don't understand model trains, but I bet someone out there does. And they've put together a masterpiece of a little town. And they stood back and smiled at their creation. Trains aren't my thing, but pride in your passion is.

Sometimes the world is shit. Most of the time, it's not anything. It's just another day trying to get through. But sometimes... sometimes you write a great line that makes you happy for a moment. I say we celebrate those moments every chance we get.

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